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School test

by Jason Moore

I was talking the other day with a worried parent whose children are pupils at local state primary schools. He has calculated that teachers have five months paid holiday a year and he was also furious that two school days have been lost this month because of industrial action. “On Wednesday there was no class and on Friday children were asked to bring in DVDs because the term had effectively finished. On Monday, they are going to the beach, and I suspect that little will be done on Tuesday because Wednesday is the end of term...” But to make matters worse he was telling me that his chidren return home with lots of homework, most of which is work which they failed to complete during class time. Something needs to be done. Home work is fine but school work should really be done in school. Let parents take their children to the beach or watch a DVD together and lessons in school please. I sincerely doubt that children in India or China or Brazil have so much free time in school.

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