IT is already being billed as the scandal of the year and local newspapers dedicated page after page to the story and the allegations. A former city planning councillor stands accused of spending 45'000 euros of council cash in gay bars and clubs in Majorca. The city council has already announced that there will be a full review of expenses because one thing is true and is not an allegation, the money is missing. Red faced council officials said that they thought that their system was fool-proof. Obviously not. The fact that the city councillor in question is married with children and campaigned for family values makes the case even more extraordinary. The former Mayor of Palma, Catalina Cirer, was facing calls for her resignation as leader of the opposition on the city council yesterday because it was during her watch that the alleged fraud took place. Scandals of this sort, whether true or not because it will be up to a judge to decide, are not good for politics. The story comes at a time when trust in politicians has fallen to an all-time low. Not good at all.
I had to laugh the other day when I saw the story that RAF personnel have been banned from wearing their uniforms in a nearby city because they were being jeered by a small section of the general public. The reason why I found the story so amazing is because if all it takes is a couple of jeers for the RAF top brass to stage a U-turn then what would happen if the jeers were something more sinister?Lets not forget that the RAF has been sent to Afghanistan and Iraq to allegedly protect free-speech and democracy and if the right to protest is a problem then we have a serious problem.