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By Jason Moore
THE party is over for Balearic leader Francesc Antich who on Sunday was celebrating a historic win for his socialist party but this week faces the prospect of trying to get his slightly divided coalition government back on track. There have already been whispers that the Majorcan Unionists on the Palma city council, (who give socialist Mayor Aina Calvo her overall majority) could be planning to jump ship and give a majority to the opposition Partido Popular. While these are just rumours it comes at a time when the nationalist parties, which form part of the coalition, are pondering their future after a poor showing in the general elections. The seven-party coalition splintered into three different parties to contest the general elections with the socialists standing alone; then there was Unitat (formed by the nationalists) and the United Left. Interestingly, it has been suggested that the socialists took large number of votes off their coalition partners so the next cabinet meeting is going to be rather interesting to say the least! The Balearic government is always going to be vulnerable because there are so many parties with so many different views. Antich is going to have a difficult job. In Palma, the Partido Popular, if the rumours are to be believed, could put their disappointing election results behind them and try and take the coveted prize of the city council. The party obviously needs a tonic and what better way that ousting the socialists from the key council in the islands. A day is a long time in politics and the socialists must forget their victory parties and try and get their partners back in line or otherwise the euphoria may turn sour.
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