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The Long Break

by Jason Moore

Local Spanish schools closed their doors on Thursday and in some cases lessons will not start again until Tuesday. Teachers decided to take a long weekend because of the Balearic Day celebrations. The three day break has been condemned by some because there was only a single Public Holiday (Thursday). I think the education system should cut back on these long breaks and be in tune with those who work in the private sector who only had a single day´s holiday. The three day break obviously caused some major childcare problems and lessons were disrupted. Being a teacher is a hard and demanding job and the plaudits they receive are very well deserved. However, the eductaion system needs to move with the times and realise that with parents working these long breaks can cause some major problems. There is always plenty of talk of overhauling the education system but this should also include fewer public holidays and working on a greater scale with parents and guardians.

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