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Dear Sir, AS one of those hit by the extortionate increase in the price of electricity, highlighted by Kate Mentink yesterday, I was astounded at the surcharge imposed by Gesa for using too much electricity! This amounted to more than a quarter of the total some SIXTY EUROS extra. As one who is totally dependent on electricity, (we have no gas) and whose wife is “minusvalido” semi-disabled, and needing to be kept warm over this coldest of winters, I am appalled that we should be penalised, for what?!! I shall certainly be one who confronts Gesa at their Santa Ponsa office to demand a refund. My thanks to Kate Mentink for exposing this diabolical affair, but the Balearic Government should also make Gesa see reason and justice, especially at this moment in time when we are being hit with a falling Sterling that has reduced pensions by up to 40 percent.

Yours Sincerely, Phil Green, El Toro

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