Sue KunstElliott
Some people are born indecisive. So this decision represents something of a breakthrough on the part of our future monarch. I would have thought it was high time that Charles complied with the country's prevailing social norms and formalised his relationship with Camilla, especially given both his supposed position within the Church of England and the Royal Family's general moral' obligation (so often forgotten of late, it seems) to set a good example to their loyal and disloyal subjects alike. The whole saga has unnecessarily complicated the lives of all those directly concerned. At least the international press may now leave off hounding the couple and give their readers a break! After years of overkill, nobody that I know cares any more.
Ann Lilley
President SERA centre
They've waited long enough but I think the prince of Wales has handled it all very well and this was inevitable. It's better than them living together.
Dorothy Loeffler
President ESRA Majorca - Pollensa
Why should they not live like the rest of us? They (royals) have all done the same over the years, one even resorted to chopping heads off to get married, so what's new? Diana is dead and the whole thing is over, I hope they live happily ever after.
Peter Stringfellow
I have met Prince Charles many times, in fact, it was on his first public outing that he presented me with a Variety Club of Great Britain Award. I admire him greatly and think he will make a wonderful King. I am fine about Camilla, I dined with Diana on a number of occasions and was a big fan of hers, but I think their decision is logical, correct and sensible and I hope they are happy together. Congratulations I say.
Robert Winsor
Santa Ponsa
I think it is a good and practical step to take it will stop all the nonsense in the papers and if they love each other, it is the right thing to do especially as Charles is going to be King.
Wendy Peters
It will no doubt cause a furore, but it is about time. I don't know what is going to happen constitutionally but I think after all these years I think they had no choice but to go for it. I think they should have got married years ago. I think they are both misunderstood and Diana was a great manipulator of the press.
George Scott
I am an American, but I lived in the UK for 20 years. Good for them I say - why not? I think they should have done this 20 or more years ago and they would have been much happier. I think it puts some respectability on a reality.