By Jason Moore
THERE have been a series of rather nasty factory closures in the Balearics over the last few months which will mean the loss of hundreds of jobs. The latest victim was the Binnisalem tap factory, Buades. However, the Balearic government appears to be doing little to support local industry. The El Caserio cheese factory in Minorca is also expected to close. Surely, the Balearic government should be talking to company directors to see if there is any way to resolve the situation before it is too late. I don´t know exactly what they can do, but a bit more effort is certainly needed. While everything can be blamed on the global recession surely it is the job of the local authorities to ensure that when times get hard, the local authorities will do their best to help. There are now 70'000 people unemployed in the Balearics, that is almost 10 percent of the population of Palma. Alarm bells should be ringing. I believe that Balearic leader Francesc Antich needs to play a greater role. He should be chairing meetings of business leaders in an effort to help them through these bad times. If you blame everything on the recession then you must as well give up and just watch the unemployment figures continue to rise.
Government isn´t working