THE latest doom and gloom survey says that at least a third of British expatriates in Spain are pondering whether to return to Britain. This is understandable especially as the pound has fallen by 30 percent against the euro and also there is a major lack of job opportunities as a result of the problems in the tourist industry.
I must admit I do believe that a sizeable proportion of expatriates would probably be better off in Britain, especially those of retirement age, because of the additional benefits which are available.
I also believe that during the boom years a sizeable number of Britons moved to Spain without actually thinking their move through first. As a we know Spain is a modern country and I do not believe that the pace of work is slower here than it is in Britain. Escaping to the sun is fine providing that you have done your groundwork. Learning the language is obviously vital and I am always amazed that Britons come here to work without speaking a single word of Spanish. Life is good in Spain but it is not easy to work here; there are few opportunities available for non-Spaniards and those which are require the necessary language skills. When times improve I suspect that there will be another mini-invasion from Britain, but they should do their homework first.