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I note with interest the re-issue of the Green Card to boost funds for the Balearic Foundation for Sustainability.
We have been visitors to Majorca for many years and never cease to be amazed and shocked by the absolute lack of care by locals about the preservation of the beautiful environment.

Points of note:

1. The new ring road in Puerto Pollensa was a ravage to the natural environment and, with over 200 high power street lights, consumes a huge amount of power and creates an invasion of light over the surrounding land every night. Turn off the lights - no other highway in Europe has this density of invasive light.

2. Rubbish bins are still full of household waste, plastic etc as there is no enforced scheme of waste sorting.

3. Fly tipping is rampant - builders etc seem to believe that dumping rubbish is a natural right. We caught a guy last year dumping stuff from his car in Puerto Pollensa and I took photos before approaching him. He seemed most annoyed that I had interrupted him!

4. Beaches are left with plastic, wine bottles, beer cans etc after every weekend by local fishermen, families at picnic etc. Do they not care about this island?

5. Dog mess is a real blight and the locals seem totally oblivious to the damage.
I could go on. The Government on the island need to raise a high profile on all matters “green” Regards
John Reeves


Re: Ray's Viewpoint
RAY Fleming's article in to-days Daily Bulletin, Wednesday 13th January. States that he could find no mention, in the British press, of Baroness Ashton's appearance before the EU Parliament on Monday.

I would refer him to page 20 of Tuesday's Daily Mail, in which is a quarter page report. In which, as you say, she was questioned over her CND past. Interestingly it also exposes gaps in her suitability for the position. When asked what she thought of calls for the EU to replace the UK and France in the United Nations Security Council, she replied, “I don't know”, “You've caught me out”.

So not all of her troubles came from British right wing MEPs, a little may have been caused by inadequate briefing or plain ignorance of the facts.

Mr Don Donovan El Toro Majorca

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