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YET again the problem of the ugly defunct Gesa Building raises its ugly head.
After years of silence why is it now, just before local elections Sra Calvo comes up with yet another ill thought out idea of how to waste public money.

With elections so near, NO new schemes / ideas should be put into practice/finance of 12.5 million euros has been allocated to improve/impose the use of Catalan and heaven only knows how much has been spent on the enormous coloured posters that adorn all parts of the city/island, advertising the new NHS Hospital Son Espases! Why is it necessary?

The May elections will be ‘dirty' of that there is little doubt. It's time for new ideas- councillors to get out their backsides, get out of offices and go and see what's really happening to this island- listen to those who work/prepared to work- have offer incentives to landlords of commercial premises who lower/ ask for more realistic rent- the list of possible improvements is endless.

I've recently taken cruises, and what this island offers cruise passengers' is abysmal.

Yours sincerely
M. Irving

THE sorry state of the GESA building and the Luis Sitjar football stadium (Viewpoint Thursday) is the norm when our local government becomes involved. Although the closure dates are known some time in advance no advance planning occurs and all is left to rot until a local election approaches. Plans are trumpeted until polling day and then forgotten again. Shortly before the local elections in 1999 the Town Hall bought the closed down Isla Azul hotel in the main square of Can Pastilla. From the roof they hung a gigantic sheet promising its conversion to a library, medical clinic and a senior citizens centre. Over 5 years nothing happened except for squatters moving in. The council evicted them and took out all ground floor doors and windows and blocked them up. More alcoholics and drug users broke in. The building continued to deteriorate. About 2004 part of the building was pulled down and the site again abandoned. In the center of this family holiday village we had a smelly, scruffy, unhealthy security risk which also caught fire more than once. This eye sore lasted 10 years until the health centre finally opened in 2009.

Son Dureta is being vacated without any future laid out. The plans for GESA and Luis Sitjar just announced may have more to do with upcoming elections than anything concrete. In my experience I wouldn't hold your breath for any action.

Mike Lillico

Playa de Palma

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