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By Jason Moore

I have been rather fascinated by the debate in our letters to the editor section over movies in English. Are we right to complain that top films are not screened in English eventhough they are showing in Spanish? It is an interesting point. Now, the simple answer is to learn Spanish and then you can enjoy all films without having to worry about anything.

But the fact that you can enjoy movies in English, buy British food products and even enjoy a local newspaper in English is all part of Majorca´s great charm. I have never heard a Majorcan complaining about movies being shown in English on the island.

Far from it, many say that they wish they had the necessary understanding of English so that they could go to the movies in English. Majorca is a very hospitable place and we are very lucky that we can enjoy many of the “home comforts” from abroad on the island. And yes, we are right to complain that top films are not being shown in English! Complaining is the English way and it is a great shame that the King´s Speech is not being shown in English at local cinemas. And on a final point, I was talking this week to one of the instigators behind the King´s Speech and he was saying that it is a film that should be seen in English because of the subject matter.

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