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I find it quite incredible that in this day and age that rural areas of Majorca are still plagued by power cuts. I know of at least a dozen cases of British residents living outside Palma who have been without electricity for considerable periods during the cold spell.

This is a scandalous state of affairs and surely the Gas and Electricity Board should take action. I know the case of one British family whose loss of power meant that they were without central heating on a day when temperatures were close to the freezing mark.

This is just scandalous. Spain is now a modern country with first rate services but power cuts rather tarnish its image. I believe that the Gas and Electricity Board should provide these home owners with some form of compensation. The Gas and Electricity Board are quick to cut off your power if you haven´t paid the bill but there is no apology or even compensation if the power supply goes down during cold weather. Electricity is a basic public commodity which should be available to all 24 hours a day, not when weather conditions permit. The Spanish Gas and Electricity company is a major multi-national company, one of the biggest in Europe, and they should ensure that there is power for all, not just for a few.

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