Dear Sir,
HAD the pleasure of being in Palma in the last few days and as usual saw the Three Kings arrive in Palma. Sorry that the camels are no longer part of the celebrations but was much impressed with the colourful floats. Thank you Mr Editor for publishing the route of the parade with the expected time of arrival at different places, something I suggested to you eight years ago. Nice to hear you do listen! The fireworks were excellent but the show should have been much longer. I know that the big bangs cost a lot but..... wouldn't it be a pleasant gesture if the expats from Britain financed a real display as a thank you for the very warm welcome the Majorcan community gives us? I will donate 100 pounds for next January 5. Who will join me? Let the Bulletin organise that bit of the festivities on our behalf alongside the sister paper's welcome participation.
Yours etc
R. Price
Dear Sir,
I F Ray Fleming attacks me for agreeing with some of his sentiments about media censorship (Press freedom in Gaza', Bulletin, last Saturday), then I earnestly pray that whoever is their god and whatever they call heaven will protect those with the temerity to disagree with him. As was patently obvious to most Bulletin readers, my letter (published the previous day), was penned for information only and intended to explain how and why the media is often manipulated, exploited and bullied by nations particularly by autocratic regimes, such as those in most Muslim states, for on-going, propaganda purposes.
I wrote from the prospective of someone with over 40 years journalistic experience, most of it spent in some capacity from copyboy to editor on various national newspapers in Britain.
My letter sought to add some long-overdue clarity and balance, as a contrast to Mr. Fleming's archly-skewered and inflammatory tirades against Israel, the USA and the West, which regularly defy logic and deliberately obscure any of the countless iniquities committed by his heroes in the mainstream of Islamic extremism.
Mr. Fleming has every right to his views, just as I and others have the equal right to disagree. And I will steadfastly defend his freedom of expression, so long as he does not transgress the boundaries moral and legal of acceptable journalistic practice.
The court of public opinion is important and I, for one, have always strived to treat it with respect, trying manfully to provide balanced coverage, containing as much hard fact and accurate information as possible offering both sides of a argument before drawing any personal conclusions, which readers are then at liberty to comment on.
As someone committed to responsible freedom of speech in the media, it is gratifying, then, to see the Bulletin affording readers the use of its letters forum to air their opinions, whether or not they contradict the views of some of your writers. Long may we see this continue.
Hugh Ash, Portals Nous
Dear Sir,
Zionism, Israeli state racism, has led to countless deaths of both Jews and Muslims. It has led to Israel being in constant conflict with the UN for over 50 years. The Palestinians, living behind razor wire in the Gaza concentration camp are the starving, defenceless victims. This is not a confllict of equals, no more than the bombardament of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto by the Nazis was aconflict. Israel, supported by America, has one of the world' s most powerful armies; Palestinians are allowed NO arms for self-defence. Palestinian families, have nowhere to run from the destroyers and tanks and F16s bombing their homes and schools. The blame is solely with the ruling Jewish group controlling the Israeli Knesset. Israel does not recognise the right of Palestinians to have food nor medicines and denies Palestineans the right to exist. Golda Meier, said: Palestine? What Palestine? There is NO Palestine. This is official Israeli policy. Ariel Sharon said: We, the Jews, control America. Indeed, last week, 100 percent of Congressmen voted in support of Israel. As long as Israel controls our democratically elected politicians, Israeli war crimes, like those of the Nazis, will not cease. This will lead to a nuclear war with Iran and global terrorism. Those who support Israeli atrocites, will be culpable.
Dr. Garry Bonsall