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Dear Sir,
IN his article “Dangerous Times in Spain” (Daily Bulletin, Tuesday 10th January), Jason Moore refers to the desire for Catalonia to declare itself a nation-state within Spain. The Basque areas already want autonomy so where might it all end ? Many of the online newspapers of Majorca are published only in Catalan or Majorcan and cannot readily be understood by foreigners with even a good knowledge of Castillian Spanish so will the Balearic Islands wish to become a separate nation-state within Catalonia? Perhaps then Majorca, as the most economically prosperous island, might wish to take a further degree of independence, followed by Palma wishing to be economically independent from the rest of the island. I wish all the various people of the world, whilst enjoying their individuality, would realise that we are stronger when united than when divided.
I imagine that there are many people in England who wish the UK didn't have Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and people in London might long to lose the economic burden of the rest of the country.
Where would it all end ?
Barry Emmott Middlesex
Dear Sir,
WITH reference to your note on the Catalan campaign, of which I was not especially aware, you may be interested to hear that on a London Tube train last week I was confronted by a black shoulder bag on which large white letters spelled out the message that “Catalonia is not Spain!” It occurs to me that I'd be in favour of one saying “Majorca is not Catalonia!” Edmund Hodges, London
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