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Dear Sir,

My own half penneth on “The Truth about Magalluf” which can come as little surprise to residents who have worked on the fringes of the travel industry - only the extent to which cheap booze is now so widely available. As in all such TV programmes the focus is on the wilder participants but the programme must be considered to be 85% accurate.

Many, like myself will find it incomprehensible that young people particularly young females can place themselves at high risk of crime by venturing onto the beaches in a drunken state at night - dangers well known to resort workers. The Magalluf youth market is a major slice of Majorca tourism - can the island exist only on super yachts, golfers and visitors to 5* hotels? I believe Frank that you were somewhat hash in you comments regarding the relatively new mayor of Calvia, Sr Onieva, who would appear to be doing far more to halt the headlong decline of tourism in Calvia than did his predecessors. In a country where street prostitution is apparently not a crime, where reliable witnesses a rarity - with most victims stoned out of their skulls and also most victims preferring to catch the next flight out rather than stick around for lengthy court processes, indeed Sr Onieva has a problem - solutions on a postcard to Frank Leavers. The ambulance and police services I believe rightly came out well from the TV programme - few members of which can fail to be concerned at the massive devotion of scarse resources to largely self inflicted injuries. A few more realistic documentaries like “The Truth about Magalluf” will indeed hit tourism in Majorca hard. Rather than complaints to the producers it is time for everyone to take their heads out of the sand. The tourism and property sectors in Majorca are in a bad state and will only recover if local politicians take note of the wealth of experience in the commercial sector eg the Sol Melia redevelopment of sections of Magalluf. Major international travel companies and property developers have brought great wealth to Majorca but can easily switch their attention to pastures new - less steeped in negative attitudes and bureaucracy.

Geoff Williamson

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