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Spanish Christmas


WHEN I have family or friends here for the Christmas Holidays our Spanish Christmas is their unforgettable high light. For years I have had the same routine for the Three Kings parades. 6.30 pm into the village to enjoy the local amateur procession. 7.30 pm off in the car to Palma for 8.00 pm to find a slot in Calle Olmos and await their arrival around 8.30 pm.

An hour or so later the defile has passed and we can filter away with the crowd not home as our fiesta continues with a real Majorca treat – dinner in Cellar Sa Premsa. A fantastic evening they'll always remember.

No more.
LAST year the route was amended to avoid the narrow streets of the old town. At a stroke they removed much of the atmosphere.
The charm of the old town speaks for itself plus you can almost touch the floats as they go by.

This year they have amended the Wise Men's arrival time by bringing it forward so much that you can't combine your village celebration with the Palma one.

In addition starting early means finishing early.

Dinner at 8.00 pm in a typical Majorcan Bodega has no ambiance unless you like dining alone apart from the waiters having their meal before setting up their restaurant for the rush from 10.00 onwards.

I bet the restaurants notice a drop in trade.
To paraphrase “If it ain't bust don't amend it”

Mike Lillico
Playa de Palma

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