...for all those responsible for raising the profile of the Cavalcade dels Reis which on Monday evening will see the Three Kings arrive by sea at Palma's Moll Vell and then process with a long and colourful entourage through the centre of the City. For many years this has been a major feature of the celebration of Epiphany yet somehow it has seemed something almost exclusively Majorcan.
This year there are everywhere attractive street decorations and well-designed posters announcing the event and welcoming everyone to it. A major change is the decision to abandon the picturesque route through the narrow streets of the old city in favour of the broad main thoroughfares of the town centre. The traditional route will be missed - but it did lead to a version of grid-lock that caused long delays; the new one should enable the parade to move more easily and more people to watch it in greater comfort. It is events such as the Cavalcade dels Reis, properly promoted, which could help to make the concept of winter tourism in Majorca more than empty talk.