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Dear Sir,

If any of your readers have overlooked a Christmas Present and/or know of a friend who is to make a New Year's resolution to finally master Spanish I recommend the Estudio General Luliano (www.estudigeneral.comtel 971.711988). It is part of the University of Barcelona and is situated off a beautiful patio right next to the Cathedral in the historic centre of Palma.

There are 4 levels of Spanish for Foreigners from preparatory to advanced and at 3 different times of the year. The winter and spring courses are on 3 mornings a week for about 2 ½ hours per lesson over 15 weeks. The summer course is built around holiday makers and is more concentrated being 4 hours each week day for 3 weeks. The courses costs 410€ (winter, spring) and 420€ (summer) which is slightly less value for money. The only extra is some 30€ for text books and CD's. I have been specific on the costs as your Calvia correspondent Angie Guerrero has mentioned some reluctance of her Calvia citizens over the cost of the Spanish courses she tried to promote this year. The atmosphere during the courses is laid back with the teachers being very engaging and obviously enjoying the contact with their students whose ages stretch from 20 to 70 and who come from cities as far apart as Paris to Prague. The work during each lesson is varied to keep interest up. Apart from necessary grammar and testing understanding of the spoken Spanish on the CDs, discussion topics range from cooking, through Spanglish to Global Warming and anything you can think of in between. During the course visits are organised to such delights as the Almudaina and the Museo March – all of course in Spanish which your friend will, by then, understand much more comprehensibly! Mike Lillico
Playa de Palma

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