by Jason Moore
Spain's terrible rate of unemployment is starting to take its toll with thousands of young people, many qualified doctors, nurses and engineers leaving the country in search of a better life. It is a very sad story. Spain is losing thousands of people who are key to its economy and they are moving across the globe from Chile to New Zealand. Will they come back? Well for the sake of Spain I hope so, but I doubt it. It is a sad story when you discover that doctors and engineers are applying for jobs to stack shelves in a supermarket and nurses are being tempted away by better offers from abroad. Times must be very hard if Spaniards choose to leave this country with its great quality of life and climate. At the moment there are five million people without a job in Spain and the figure is rising. The Spanish government is being forced to cutback on the National Health Service and foreign companies are turning away and investing elsewhere. But the Spanish government must try and stop this brain drain. It has taken years to train many of the people who are now leaving Spain and they can´t easily be replaced. If Spain is to pull clear of recession then these are the people who are needed working in Spain and not abroad. Britain is attracting thousands of young Spaniards because there is allegedly plenty of work available. British unemployment fell again yesterday so perhaps the Spanish government could learn from the British government. Spain must start creating jobs.