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Watch your language

by Jason Moore

Hasn't the Balearic government got better things to do? I ask this question because this week they approved legislation which no-longer requires Civil Cervants to speak Catalan, just Castillan Spanish. It is obviously a kick in the teeth for the local language and rather a step-backwards. It will also cause plenty of controversy a time when the Balearic government and all people in the islands should be concentrating on getting the local economy growing again. Already there have been widespread protests against the legislation adding to the growing discontent which exists towards the Balearic government. Rather than passing senseless legislation perhaps President Bauza and his team could ponder reforming the Civil Service so that it is more effective and offers greater value for money? Language skills should be a key ingredient if you want to become a Civil Servant but now the government have decided in their wisdom that one laguage is enough. I have always maintained that if you want to live in Majorca, especially in areas outside the main tourists resorts, it is a good idea to speak a few words of Majorcan/Catalan. It is always well received and shows respect to the language and customs of these islands. A friendly “Bon Dia” will go a long way in many parts of Majorca, in most cases more than “Buenos Dias.” But don´t think of saying good morning to a Civil Servant in Catalan, they are no longer required to speak it!

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