I would like to think our press is there not just to give us the news, but also to explain some of the more puzzling aspects of it. I offer some current examples where such a fuller explanation is necessary.
We know that doctors in Britain have been on strike over the cut in their pensions and their retirement age being extended. We also know that the government says this is entirely due to our parlous financial situation.If that is the situation, where is the new tranche of £100 billion pounds to be given by the government to our banks coming from?
We also now know that there is a gaping hole in our British tax laws, allowing the wealthiest to legally get away with paying virtually no income tax. But what we do not know is: did the government (most of whom are multi-millionaires themselves), know of this tax dodge and are they too taking advantage of it? After all, if The Times knew about it, surely the government knew also? But whether they did or not, several days have passed since the news broke. Why has Parliament not already introduced emergency laws to put a stop to it right away?
Britain is skint That is what we have been assured time and again. Yet over the past couple of years we have printed around £350 billions to give to the banks, spent £35 millions on the Queens birthday, continue to pay her (she is the wealthiest woman in the world) upwards of £200 million a year and we are now considering the building of a new, royal yacht!
I am not suggesting she isn't worth every penny of it: but where is all this money coming from?
Is it that we have in Britain a government interested primarily in protecting the lives of the wealthy, whilst making the rest of us pay for their profligacy?
Or is it that we are stuck with a don't-do-as-I-do-do-as-I-say system?
If the press knows the answers to these questions, they are keeping pretty damn schtum about it.
David Lee