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Dear Sir,

I read with interest your article today regarding the car hire slump being mainly caused by a decline in the number of tourists coming to the island.
Undoubtedly this is a major factor but I would have thought that they are reaping that which they have sown 2-3 years ago when the hire car fleets were reduced in size and the prices greatly increased and lo and behold the hire car companies made similar profits to before and it was easier business.

The third factor is that the on-line hirer is under the impression that he has fully comprehensive insurance until he arrives at Palma (de Mallorca) airport whence he learns that it is a type of comprehensive but not what a British person would call “fully comprehensive” and therefore has to pay more.

Then, of course there is the matter of petrol – the charge for the full tank being so outrageous that one could fill the tank and most of the boot for the price. Then the car hire company “makes” out of all the petrol residue left in the cars as no refund is given.

My 35 year old son who comes to the island every year is about to enjoy his second car-less year as he says “It is just not worth it anymore”.
Alister Bottomley

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