Further to your recent articles regarding the Gibraltar situation.
Two things spring to mind.
lFirstly if they want to start an argument regarding fishermen then the Cornish fishermen will gladly take back the rights they had to surrender to the Spanish fishermen around their coast.
l Secondly at a time when you need the UK tourists in Spain is this the right time to raise these problems, the employment generated by the tourist industry is many fold compared with the fishermen that will be employed around the coast of Gibraltar.
Mind you in saying that as you rightly pointed out there has been nothing in the UK press, they are too preoccupied with all the enquiries into, MP's and press wrongdoings.
Also while they can keep it to the Spanish press only, it saves the press giving them a hard time over any other measures they are introducing. It is good to have things like this on the front page while unemployment figures, Bank debt and the like are relegated to the inside pages.
Best regards
Ray Gidley