by Jason Moore
Spain is effectively bankrupt. Hospitals are being closed down, nurses and doctors are losing their jobs and there are fears that Spain will never recover. The Madrid government has been forced to raise taxes and there is no money for any big public infrastructure projects. But and it is a big but, the Madrid government does have the necessary funds to table a bid for the 2020 Olympic Games. Madrid has unsuccessfully tried to host the Games twice before in 2012 and 2016. This time it could be third time lucky but it could be very unlucky for Spain which has to foot the bill. Madrid claims that most of the sporting infrastructure is already in place, but this is not really the case. Stadiums have to be built and billions of euros will be needed. The London Games this summer will cost in excess of 15 billion pounds. Hosting the games in 2020 could cost almost double that. Now obviously hosting the Olympic Games is a sign of national prestige. But can Spain really afford the Games? Look at Greece. It was effectively bankrupt after it hosted the Games. So, Spain you can´t preach austerity and then splash out on the Olympics. Spain last hosted the Games in 1992 when it was the turn of Barcelona. Obviously, Madrid was not best pleased. But this is not a question of rivalry between Barcelona and Madrid. This is a question of whether or not Spain can afford the Games. Looking at the present state of the Spanish economy. I think not.