by Jason Moore
David Cameron has been accused of being out of touch with normal people and Rebekah Brooks, former editor of the News of the World and The Sun drove this point home when she told the Leveson Inquiry that the Prime Minister thought that LOL meant Lots Of Love rather than Laugh Out Loud. It was a simple sentence but the damage which it will cause is enormous. Firstly it showed that the Prime Minister didn´t know one of the most commonly used text expressions and secondly what was he doing sending intimidate messages to an executive of Rupert Murdoch´s media empire? Brooks is certainly no fool and that one sentence will be the one that most people remember from the Leveson Inquiry. The whole Murdoch affair is severely damaging the credibility of the Prime Minister. On one side he has former Murdoch employees giving intimate details of their relationship with the PM and on the other side he has severe criticism everyday in the Murdoch press. Not good.