by Jason Moore
Everyone agrees that spending cuts have to be made in the Balearics because the local authorities have little or no money. But taxes are still being made and the local authorities do have money available for top projects. The Balearic Symphony Orchestra is fighting for its life; there is allegedly no money available to pay the wages of this group of highly talented musicians. I find this whole state of affairs very distressing and depressing because the orchestra is a key part of local-life. I have attended many concerts which they have performed both at the auditorium and at Bellver Castle. They were thoroughly enjoyable experiences and it is great shame that a shortage of cash is now threatening their very existance. Surely the local authorities can find some spare money to keep this Balearic institution alive? The Balearics without a symphony orchestra would be like a gin and tonic with no tonic. Yesterday, the musicians took to the streets to protest. Eventhough it was a demonstration against the proposed cuts it was still a rather lovely concert on a sunny afternoon. Tourists who were obviously, unaware of the reason for the protest, clapped and cheered. Does that tell you something? Ofcourse it does, the symphony orchestra is a key part of the tourist industry and it needs to be protected. Let us hope that the local authorities take note and decide against this stupid and short-sighted spending cut which benefit no-one.