by Jason Moore
The local parliament has finally arrived at the conclusion that there are a shortage of flights during the winter months. Better late than never. Local MPs are demanding that landing fees should be cut at the airport to encourage more winter flights. Brilliant, fantastic but surely wouldn´t it have been a better idea if they had made this appeal in say October before winter actually got underway and airlines reduced their winter programmes? Next month the majority of airlines will start operating their spring/summer programmes and there will be no shortages of flights. But this winter tourism to the island has nose-dived simply because there were no flights. For next winter perhaps it would be an idea if a group of MPs actually sat down with the airport authorities and discussed the issue of winter flights and ways airlines can be encouraged to operate here during the winter months. A similar state of affairs happened with shops and Sunday opening. For years it was said that shops would never open on public holidays or on Sundays but now the local government has given them the green light and many have supported the idea. When are the local authorities going to get their act together and introduce legislation which is clearly needed? Cheaper landing fees during the winter, weekend shop openings and more promotion in Britain and Germany. Key initiatives which could pay a very good dividend for the Balearics and its economy.