Dear Sir,
THE concern of the Foreign Office is understandable as is that of the town fathers of Calvia. The warning, though silent on the matter, seems to indicate that the danger is coming from residents of Calvia, the locals.
In my visits to the island, the only discomfort I ever felt was from the lager louts who come down from the UK and other EU bailiwicks. Are there statistics available to clarify the point? An enterprising reporter should dig a a little. The Calvia police or the Guardia may track such information on rapes.
My guess would be that the women are being wronged by the rotters they came down with. If that is true, then the same could have happened up here and the problem is not the atmosphere in Calvia but the low standards of the victims. Yes, that sounds like blame the victim, but date rape is a very murky concept.
From what I have seen of the drink excesses of today's young folk, it is hard to believe that either the raper or the raped had a clue as to what was happening or felt any pain or pleasure.
Date rape is often more the result of morning after remorse than of coercion.
Terrence Haskell, Manchester