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Repeating cheap shots

Dear Sir, RAY Fleming could not resist the temptation to take advantage of Hurricane Katrina's devesting wake to attack President Bush yesterday.
He quotes approvingly a New York Times editorial belittling the President's speech on the disaster without mentioning that the NY Times endorsed Al Gore and John Kerry and, thus, can be assumed to have a political ax to grind.

Further down, the editorial also bemoans the refusal of the President to endorse the pseudo-science of global warming, a fanatical religious belief which is one of Mr. Fleming's amusing eccentricities.

Some criticisms should be taken from the source.
Remember the motto of the New York Times: All The News That Fits We Print.
This is the same newspaper that every spring from 1940 through 1975 printed a long front page analytical article, usually by the communist Herbert Matthews, on why 1940, 1941'1942,....1977*, was going to be the year that Franco would be overthrown and the Republic restored. * I believe Matthews continued the series until his own death, ignoring Franco's.
He was a typical NYT true believer and a famed exemplar of his employer's biased reportage.
Ralph McGaughey
Boston, MA

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