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Ukraine elections

Dear Sir,

THE Ukraine Government, accused of State-sponsored fraud in last weeks voting, could learn much from how the Spanish Government manipulates its citizens.

Spain discriminates against us by refusing to allow adult, tax paying, Europeans, legally resident in Spain to vote at all. The Spanish Government is thus saved any “undemocratic” bother of destroying our votes.

Rather than use sticks and batons to intimidate us outside the voting station, Europeans are simply ignored. The Spanish Government thus cannot be filmed beating Europeans who vote “the wrong way”.

Rather than waste time and energy destroying ballot papers, attacking voters and otherwise organising the illegal manipulation of votes, the Ukraine Government should simply follow Spains (Franco-era) example by simply refusing huge, legal sections of her society the right to vote. By definition, where there are no votes and no voters, there can be no “electroral fraud”. These young, eastern European democracies still have a lot to learn about ”democracy” from Spain and Europe.

Many kind regards

Dr. Garry Bonsall

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