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Why Aragones should resign

By Jason Moore
WELL everyone knew that Spain's national coach, Luis Aragones, was a controversial figure.
Even during his time at Real Mallorca he was involved in numerous incidents. In a well publicised incident two months ago he launched a racist outburst against Arsenal striker Thierry Henry allegedly to motivate Highbury and Spain international Jose Antonio Reyes. I said then that he should have resigned, as there is no place in football for such comments. But far from being ashamed of his behaviour he followed up his comments with the following statement at a press conference on Tuesday: “I have black friends who have explained to me that the English were after them in the colonies.” What a stupid comment to make. Even Spain's top sports newspaper, Marca, said that he had put his foot in it again. The Sun was more direct. He may be outspoken but his comments cannot be allowed to rest in peace. We are talking about one of the most senior people in Spanish football, who should be Spain's ambassador for the game. During the Under 21 clash between Spain and England on Tuesday night the English players received plenty of racist abuse and the Football Association is calling for an investigation. Are the two incidents related? I believe so. The manager's comments have gone straight to the fans. Last night's game was meant to a friendly match between two European partners. It is a great shame that it will be marred by the comments of the manager.

If Aragones continues with his awful behaviour and if he remains unpunished by Spanish football, then I believe that international teams should refuse to play Spain until he is removed. This sort of behaviour cannot be accepted. The Spanish FA should at least order an investigation or issue an official apology. This man is not doing Spanish football any good at all.

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