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How insular the Balearic Government has become

Dear Sir,

How insular the Balearic Government has become.
On your internet page and in the same edition of the Bulletin on Wednesday I saw headlines of “Frosty welcome from the Local Government” (regarding the visit of the Ark Royal), and also “British will save the summer says Minister.” Whilst I have never supported the war with Iraq, I do support our men and women aboard Ark Royal.
And I do ask - why should we save your summer when you can't afford a little hospitality to our returning forces?
Don't your government realise what a good PR opportunity they missed?
Several thousand people ready for some relaxation, ready to be welcomed - and ready to report back home what a great place Majorca is.
Ready to give first hand reports back home of the hospitality they were offered. Only it wasn't. Well maybe that frosty welcome made your government feel good but it won't help fill the empty hotel rooms. I visit Majorca regularly because I know that welcome is there, but I do think the people in charge should think before they speak and before they offend their potential visitors.

Christine Morris
Manchester, England

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