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Open letter to Bush

Dear Sir,

An article in the 10th March edition of Newsweek informing the world of your deep felt “Christian beliefs” made me want to throw up.
Your claim to be a “born again Christian” reveals the depth of your gift for self deception.
Your refusal to ban the death penalty in your native state Texas where more than 200, (of whom some 7 percent prove to be innocent) wait sometimes years to be executed. Your refusal to sign the Kyoto treaty, thus condemning millions to suffer the consequences of pollution.
Your refusal to ban the ownership of guns (guns are not harmless pea shooters George, but weapons of destruction).
Your refusal to agree to the banning of tobacco advertising, though almost 171 other nations have agreed to try and put a stop to over four million tobacco related deaths a year, and now your determination to break the commandment ”thou shall not kill” all add up to one conclusion. George Bush, instead of reading the Bible every day, you should take up the dictionary and look up the word “hypocrite.” Be warned George, let us hope the next time the American public votes they will choose, mind instead of muscle and money, otherwise, you will be ”hoisted by your own petard.”

Helen Courtney Lewis

Sta Eugenia

cc to the White House

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