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Peace now but what later?

By Jason Moore

WHICH is the European country which receives the bulk of Iraqi oil?
WHICH European country supplied Saddam Hussein with a large part of his arsenal of chemical weapons and also helped build his nuclear power station?
WHICH country has supplied Saddam Hussein with enough armament to equip his army?
WHICH European leader was completely isolated across the world in 1995 for carrying out nuclear tests in an environmental paradise in the middle of the Pacific?

WHICH European country is now standing for peace and diplomacy despite all of the above.
Well you guest it. All of the above is France and Jacques Chirac. Although Rumsfield's dirty deals with Saddam have been well documented France's involvement has been rather pushed to one-side because at the moment they stand for peace and Detente. Chirac the dove appears to have a short memory. So what does standing with the French on Iraq mean? Peace now and business later? The United States and Britain are being continually criticised for wanting a war which is just about oil and naturally the French stance is far more popular. Alot of people quite rightly say you can't trust George W. Bush or Tony Blair, but can you really trust good old Jacques Chirac. I trust Chirac about as much as a I trust Saddam Hussein. If this is a war about greed and capitalism and if you've got a few euros to invest take a glance over the French stock exchange and put your money in companies which make abit more than fine wine and good cheese.

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