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More security, please

By Jason Moore
WHAT is the problem with air marshals? I just don't understand why pilots are so concerned about having highly trained armed police officers on their flights at a time when security is at its maximum. In fact I would like to see more of these so-called “marshals” on the ground and patrolling the streets of Palma. Unfortunately, we are living in very dangerous times and you can't have enough security. These days every form of transport should have some form of security, not just to fight terrorism but crime also. No one says a word when tanks are deployed to Heathrow and armed police patrol the terminal buildings but there is a major controversy when a similar sort of security system in planned for the actual aircraft itself. If you've got 400 passengers on an aircraft it is quite reassuring to know that there is a person on duty who knows what he or she is doing if an incident did break out. At the same time it is probably the right moment to arm police in Britain also. Plenty is said about terrorism but gun crime continues to increase and unfortunately there is a shooting in London now almost on a daily basis. The days of Dixon of Dock Green are over. Police must be equipped to deal with every situation. What the public now needs is reassurance. Crime and terrorism are their two main concerns. It is just stupid to say that armed police will lead to more gun crimes. Unfortunately, we passed this state of affairs a long time ago. Governments should start introducing sensible security precautions. Sending the Household Cavalry to Heathrow airport was just a complete over-reaction. Having armed police on patrol in the airport and on the aircraft is just being sensible.
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