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Letters to the Editor

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Dear Sir,
In the old days messengers bringing bad news were killed and I suppose bad messengers only bringing complaints did not fare much better.
It seems pretty obvious that that is the way the British electorate will deal with William Hague come the June elections.
At this late stage of the election complaining, sorry, campaigning, I suggest that the Conservatives take the radical step of immediately changing the messenger as well as the message, if there ever really was one.

Let someone like Kenneth Clark simply go out and tell the electorate that his sole ambition is to unite the Conservative Party around a policy for the future. The positive response from the electorate will give him a solid platform from which he can then start the necessary reform process.

The business world is full of cases where good labels and trademarks sell only better and better because they are being well managed by people who understand the markets, but there are equally many examples of the opposite. ”The Conservative Party” is a good trademark but the market to understand and formulate the message to is the midfield and not the (senti)mental, closet–, imperialist–right.

Wictor Forss.
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