Dear sir, Noticing the shock headl¡nes reproduced in the Bulletin of the German daily paper Bild on the proposed letter to the king of Spain re the the eurotax, it is of course quite ridiculous, but to be expected from a newspaper wich German nationals jokingly say, "don't tilt the newspaper when you open it, or the blood will run out"! This was of cours the paper that claimed, a few seasons past, that the Government planned to "buy" Majorca, and make it and additional state! A eurotax is not unknown in Germany; the island between Germany and Denmark called Nord Friesen Inseln have charged such a tax for years, and this is why they are kept up to a most charming amd beautiful standard, appreciated by the visitors who go there year after year. One gets what one pays for in this life!
You can´t take that German tabloid too seriously
Graham Phillips.Palma