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Often criticised and not courted as much as their German counterparts the British have once again saved the day for the Balearics. The increase in British tourism has counter-balanced the slump in Germany tourism. If the good old reliable British holidaymaker had stayed away or gone elsewhere like a sizeable proportion of Germans, then the Balearics would be facing a very cold winter. I have been to hundreds of press conferences at the local ministry for tourism over the years in which local ministers past and present have often talked about the discovery of new markets, massive increases in German and even mainland tourism, but at the end of the day it is the British who stay loyal to the Balearics. It's a tradition which has almost been passed down from grandfather to father and then to son, the 10 day holiday in Majorca.

In the same way as car-dealers give loyalty bonuses perhaps the local ministry for tourism should look north of Calais instead of looking elsewhere. Others will come and go but it is the British who return year after year.

Jason Moore

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