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Those brave people in Denmark

Dear Sir, while not professing to be as knowledgeable as Mr Kitchin on the EU and Euro, there definitely seems to be broad disagreement in the acceptance of the Euro.

Granted money can be a great binding power but not so much as homeland, culture, and language.
Denmark didn't just vote against the Euro, they voted for the preservation of their country (as is) and for which things they worked hard and long.
In reference to Mr Kitchin saying American states have much autonomy, this is correct but the USA was founded on a much different basis than European nations, due in part because it embraces a vast piece of uninterrupted land sub-divided into separate but adjoining states.

The whole being an entity, whereas each separate country in Europe is an entity valuing that individuality. America was founded recently compared to the millenniums of Europe's existence.

In many ways the US is truly cohesive and there is very little confrontation between the individual states and the federal government.
We are unique in the number of different nationalities who have emigrated to our shores - but we have just one official language (as of now).
If my memory holds, “A United States of Europe” was the brainchild of the late French president, De Gaulle.
It was probably the most controversial legacy he left. Following this route as things appear at present could tear Europe asunder. The risk that Mr Kitchin refers to seems great.

The EU is now accepting more members countries who have never made it on their own initiative - for many reasons, many understandable.
With the advent of new members, what a gloomy picture for the middle-income group in those original member countries who have succeeded on their own, those people who go to work each day and work hard to have a better quality of life.

I am not speaking of the very rich or the very poor.
I cite the unsung middle group who are the backbone of any nation.
The world (the rich countries) has been pumping money into those backward countries for years. Now, it will be Brussels that doles out the cash and how will it be checked to see that EU money is being used for what it was intended?

Whether the EU can muster the required allegiance in war times is debatable. The US would be grateful if it didn't have to fight any more European-begun wars. The last figure given on the cost of World War II for the US was $386 million.

Will there be the allegiance necessary to make the EU succeed? After America's shameful Civil War which lasted for several years, the axiom “United we stand, divided we fall” was taken seriously enough so that the Nation remained intact after the war. Can the EU survive division?

A young man from Barcelona asked me once from where I came and if I were English. My answer was, I am American.
He went on to say one of the differences between the Spaniard and American is that the Spaniard is more likely to say, I am Majorcan or Catalan or Andalucian.

Is it fair to say the same lack of cohesion (only between countries) could deter a unified Europe.
How many years will it take a Frenchman, an Englishman, a German, or a Spaniard to say first, I am a European?
In finalising I say “Bravo” to the Danish people who had the intelligence and independence to vote NO to the Euro and for seeing that a federalised government could create complicated problems leading to wrack and ruin if not successful.

Mary Kay Rowe

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