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Go and work for the Labour Party

Dear Sir, of all the snide remarks made by Mr. Fleming in his political commentaries, the insinuation that the WI walkout and heckling was engineered by Conservative ladies really hits a new low. Three of the six ladies interviewed in the “Daily Mail” today are members of the Labour Party. As an apologist for all Labour errors and a severe critic of anything done or said by William Hague, I wonder why Mr. Fleming bothers to stay in the media backwater of Majorca. I am sure he would be very welcome to join Mr Campbell's staff at No. 10. Although I shall miss his articles on books and music.

Peter Thompson

Ray Fleming replies: Although I have in the past worked in the No 10 Press Office (for both Conservative and Labour prime ministers) I don't think Alastair Campbell would want someone who, in the “snide” Viewpoint complained of by Mr Thompson wrote that Tony Blair's speech was “lacklustre and confused” and “a failure”.

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