Soller's big battle - the outcome was never in doubt

Firearms' regulations were scrupulously observed

The climax to the Moors and Christians (Es Firó) in Soller, Mallorca

The climax - Captain Angelats defeats Ulutx Ali. | Teresa Ayuga

| Soller |

The weather was kind, questions about the use of explosives were resolved and so Soller's Es Firó (Moors and Christians), the re-enactment of events of May 11, 1561, went ahead in typically spectacular fashion.

Pirates land in Soller Mallorca for the Moors and Christians battle

It started, as tradition demands, with the 3pm ringing of bells to warn that Ottoman pirates were heading for Puerto Soller. At 5pm, some 800 pirates took part in the first skirmish on Can Generós beach. Repelled, there was a second landing at Repic beach, the invaders advancing on the centre of the village for some sacking of houses and the church, having engaged in a third confrontation at Pont d'en Barona. Regulations regarding the use of firearms were being scrupulously observed.

Shortly before nine in the evening, the commander, Ulutx Ali, arrived to claim victory. But the villagers regrouped and Captain Angelats overcame the enemy at more or less bang on 9.30pm. Soller was once more saved.

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