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Normality restored at Palma Airport after Friday's chaos

Concerns about knock-on effects weren't realised

Queues on Saturday, but these were "normal". | Emilio Queirolo

| Palma |

Following the chaos on Friday, airports in the Balearics were operating more or less as normal on Saturday. Systems for check-in were functioning as usual as were other services.

At Palma, where there had been concerns about possible knock-on effects of Friday's disruption, there were some delays and also some cancellations. But according to the airport management, these weren't related to Friday's IT problems; both delays and cancellations can and do occur at the height of the summer season.

Airlines said that queues around midday were "very normal" for July.

So for the most part there were no issues with the 1,080 flights at Palma on Saturday or with the 375 at Ibiza Airport and the 213 at Mahon.

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