Airport expansion opponents demand tourist limits

Ban wanted on private jets

Protest in Palma against expansion of Son Sant Joan Airport in Mallorca

Protest on Saturday morning. | Laura Becerra

| Palma |

The platform of groups opposed to the expansion of Palma Son Sant Joan Airport held a protest in Palma's Plaça Espanya on Saturday morning and demanded that the Balearic government limits tourist numbers.

Coinciding with World Earth Day, the protesters drew attention to what has been forecast to be a record year in terms of number of passengers at the airport - 30.7 million, one million more than in 2019.

The platform wants work at the airport to be halted. If not, it was claimed, there will be four million more passengers and 15% more emissions by 2025. Spokesperson Pere Joan Femenia insisted that there need to be effective policies to combat climate change and to limit mass tourism. He observed that this March exceeded previous tourism records, both in the Balearics and in Spain*.

There were demands for an urgent limitation of air routes and for a plan to ban private jets.

* The official figures for March have yet to be released.

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