Palma delays because of air-traffic control and Ryanair strikes

Queues at Ryanair information in Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Queues at Ryanair information on Saturday. | Laura Becerra

| Palma |

Enaire, the state air navigation company, reports that Palma Son Sant Joan was one of three airports most affected on Saturday by French air-traffic controller industrial action.

The strike at the Marseille control centre coincided with action by Ryanair cabin crew, which did have an impact on Saturday. Twenty-two Ryanair flights were cancelled, fourteen of these in Palma. There were four cancellations in both Ibiza and Menorca.

A further 51 flights in Palma were delayed - the average delay was 40 minutes. The stoppage in Marseille didn't lead to any cancellations, but it did cause delays and had a knock-on effect on flights over the course of the day.

The situation with Ryanair was despite the fact that the airline had imposed 100% minimum services, a demand that has been denounced by unions. Manuel Lodeiro, spokesperson for the Sitcpla union, says that cabin crew were off because there had not been "reliable communication" to them by letter, as is required, regarding the minimum services.

He added that staff "are following the instructions of the unions in order to avoid abuses by the company", claiming that Ryanair had "tried to bring scab labour from Morocco to operate flights in Spain, such as Malaga-Palma".

Meanwhile, Juan Antonio López of the CCOO union at the Ryanair maintenance hangar in Seville says that Ryanair aircraft maintenance service is being overwhelmed. "Adequate maintenance is not being carried out due to excessive flight operations."

Further Ryanair industrial action has been called for June 30 and July 1 and 2, while the strike in Marseille lasts until 6.30 on Monday morning.

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